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View and download the financial statements, financial reports and the non-financial statement of the Sparkasse Group.
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View and download the financial statements prepared for the determining of the half-yearly results.
Financial statements prepared for determining half-yearly results for the purpose of calculating primary tier 1 capital as of 30 June 2024. It should be noted, with reference to the document “Accounting statements prepared for the determination of the half-yearly result for the purpose of calculating primary tier 1 capital as of 30 June 2024,” that the balance sheet, income statement and other statements, as well as the explanatory notes, do not constitute extracts from the interim financial statements prepared in accordance with IAS 34. The data contained in the aforementioned document were not subject to audit, even if limited. Cassa di Risparmio di Bolzano S.p.A. Group has prepared only the condensed consolidated interim financial statements as of 30 June 2024.
President Gerhard Brandstätter: ‘We are satisfied with the results achieved in 2023 by both banks and in particular by CiviBank, which helped to strengthen the group’s profitability. Particularly noteworthy is also the increase in the capital ratios, which underline the excellent solidity of the group. We are convinced that these results will also allow shareholders to be adequately remunerated. At the same time, we believe that a prudent policy of provisioning for credit risks must be maintained, all the more so in a year when returns are largely positive.”
€ 82.2 mln.
Individual net profit of Parent Group reached of €55 mln.
€430.9 Mln.
+12.1% YOY
NPL RATIOS (individual)
Gross coefficient at 3.5% and net at 1.3%
rose to 15.5%
from 14.2% in 2022
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